How Did God Kabir Saved The Kingdom of Bijli Khan Pathan
Jun 28, 2024In the spiritual history, there exist numerous accounts of divine intervention, where the Almighty has manifested His presence to protect and guide
Why Didn't Demon Ravana Get Salvation? Unveiling Reason
May 13, 2024The demonic figure in Hindu mythology, Ravana who existed during Treta Yuga is backed by several enigmatic truths that have remained hidden to the
हिन्दू साहेबान! नहीं समझे गीता, वेद, पुराण: सनातनी पूजा का अंत और पुनः उत्थान
Dec 31, 2023दुनियाभर में धर्म को मानने वालों की कोई कमी नहीं है लेकिन आज पूरे विश्व में धर्म के नाम पर पाखण्ड और अंधविश्वास चरम सीमा पर देखने को मिल रहा है जिससे
Real Adipurush Kabir Sahib Not Ram as Per Holy Scriptures
Jul 22, 2023For ages, humanity has embarked on a spiritual quest to uncover the true nature of the Divine Light, the Eternal God known as Aadipurush. In this
पवित्र ग्रंथों के अनुसार वास्तविक आदिपुरुष कबीर साहेब, राम नहीं
Jul 22, 2023आदि यानी सबसे पहला, सर्वप्रथम, और पुरूष अर्थात परमात्मा। सबसे पहला स्वयंभू परमात्मा जिसने सर्व ब्रह्मांड रचे। अपने स्वरूप में अपने जैसे नर आकार
संत रामपाल जी महाराज के जीवन बदल देने वाले अद्भुत विचार
Jul 22, 2023Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Quotes [Hindi] तत्वदर्शी संत रामपाल जी महाराज का नाम उनके अद्भुत तत्वज्ञान के कारण विश्वप्रसिद्ध है। इतना ही नहीं बल्कि वे
गीता सार
Jul 2, 2023गीता ज्ञान एक महत्वपूर्ण ज्ञान है जो कि काल ब्रह्म ने दिया। गीता ज्ञान दाता अध्याय 11 श्लोक 32 में स्वयम अर्जुन को ज्ञात करवाता है कि वो काल और और इस
लोग नास्तिक क्यों हैं
Jul 1, 2023क्या भगवान अस्तित्व में है? क्या भगवान के अस्तित्व का कोई प्रमाण है? क्या किसी ने कभी भगवान को देखा है? हम कहां से आए हैं? हम मृत्यु के बाद कहाँ जाते
कबीर परमेश्वर के जीवित प्रमाण, जगन्नाथ पुरी में कबीर चबूतरा और द्वारिका में कबीर कोठा
May 20, 2023कबीर परमेश्वर, आज से लगभग 625 वर्ष पूर्व भारत की पवित्र भूमि में आध्यात्मिक शिक्षा का केंद्र कहे जाने वाले काशी शहर से बाहर बने लहरतारा तालाब में
Historical Significance Meets Divine Awakening: Kabir Saheb - The Supreme Almighty's Legacy
May 20, 2023Everyone in this world is well aware of Sant Kabir: The Great Indian Mystical Poet. According to the documented history, Kabir was "born" in 1398.
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Motivational & Inspiration Quotes with Meaning
May 1, 2023Around the globe, people are struggling and discontent. Poverty, illness, and other issues are rampant, and the cause of this suffering is the
चांचरी, खैंचरी, भूचरी, अगोचरी व उनमनी जैसी पाँच मुद्राएं, अमृत क्रिया व कुंडलिनी शक्ति क्या हैं, क्या इनको करने से पूर्ण मोक्ष प्राप्त होता है?
Mar 22, 2023सतयुग से लेकर अब कलयुग तक प्रत्येक मानव भगवान को प्राप्त करने, जन्म-मृत्यु, वृद्धावस्था के कष्ठ से छुटकारा पाने और पूर्ण मोक्ष प्राप्त करने के लिए
Top Mudras: Chanchari, Bhuchari, Agochari, Khechari & Unmani
Feb 2, 2023Since inception man has been trying hard to attain God (or attain salvation) because, since the day the soul has been separated from God, it has
How the Greatest Reformer Kabir Saheb Exposed The Truth Behind Hypocrisies?
Jan 19, 2023As we all know we are in the middle of Kalyuga and we all believe in God in one form or another. Some of us believe God to be a power only which is
क्या संत रामपाल जी देवी देवताओं की भक्ति छुड़वाते हैं, जाने क्या है इस दावे की सच्चाई?
Aug 22, 2022जगतगुरु तत्वदर्शी संत रामपाल जी महाराज द्वारा किए गए दावों और उनकी सच्चाई के आधार पर यह आकलन आपके समक्ष प्रस्तुत है। अकसर संत रामपाल जी के अनुयायियों
Intoxication Free World
Sep 27, 2021Majority of the world’s population is involved in intake of intoxicants of one kind or the other, not realizing the bitter fact that they are adding
Eliminating Social Evils
Sep 20, 2021In this world where people are cursed for sins that are carried out unknowingly, there are people who are found indulging in vices knowingly as well.
Blood Donation Camps
Aug 13, 2021More than any sort of wealth or technology, all that is needed by the world at large, is “humanity”! Blood Donation Camps organised all over India
Awareness of Religious Hypocrisy
Aug 5, 2021As the world lies in a deep slumber of spiritual ignorance, the Almighty God Himself descends to provide the true spiritual knowledge, which alone
Alcoholism | A True Story
Feb 24, 2021God Kabir says that consumption of a drop of alcohol gets one 70 lives of a dog in the next births. Alcohol and other intoxicants apart from being
Is Śrāddha Certified in Holy Gita & Vishnu Purana? Let's Examine
Jan 30, 2021Creatures residing in the region of Brahm-Kaal suffer in 84 lacs life-forms viz: animals, reptiles, birds, Ghosts, Phantoms, Pitras, Human Beings,
Summary of Bhagavad Gita
Jun 7, 2020In a nutshell, the summary of Bhagavad Gita pertaining to salvation / liberation is as follows. Read it sequentially to grasp the gist of it. Shrimad
Form of God in Gita, Quran, Bible & Guru Granth Sahib
May 28, 2020The whole world is misguided by the concept of the form of God. Devotees across the globe belonging to any religion are confused that God is formless
Kabir - Myths, Misconceptions & Mystery
May 6, 2020Myth (Greek "Muthos") basically represents stuff which is meaningless, an imaginative story or an irrational creation of a crooked mind. (On a side
Feeding the Hungry
May 3, 2020Every currency is useless if there is no food to buy! The glory of food and water can’t be undermined and has been mentioned by all pious souls. In
Dowry Free India | A Short Video | Sant Rampal Ji
Feb 9, 2020दहेज का खात्मा This short video showcases the scenario of a girl named "Diksha" who visits a family of disciples of Sant Rampal Ji and gets
Story of Timur Lang
Jan 11, 2020Who was Timur Lang & how did he become a ruler? Unknown to the masses is the fact that God Kabir granted Timur Lane the kingdom of 7 generations.
Does Shri Krishan in Bhagavad Gita talk about some other Supreme God?
Aug 17, 2019Is there some other Supreme God that Shri Krishan Ji is talking about in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita? The popular belief amongst devotee society is that
Blunders in the Translation of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita
May 6, 2019Shrimad Bhagavad Gita gives perfect knowledge, but translators have made sinister blunders during its exegesis, which changes the entire purport of
The Most Important Verse in Quran
May 5, 2019Which is the most important verse in Quran Sharif / Majid? The most important verse in Quran is Surah Al Furqan, verse no 58 and also 59. But why is
Way of Living | Sant Rampal Ji | Web Video Series
Apr 22, 2019A person’s journey of life begins at birth. His/her destination is pre-determined. Here in this holy book, there is a detailed description of the
Why are People Atheist
Apr 18, 2019Does God exist? Is there any proof of God’s existence? Has anyone ever seen God? Where have we come from? Where do we go after death? These are some
Interesting Unknown Facts from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita
Apr 6, 2019Bhagavad Gita is a dialogue between Shri Krishan Ji and Arjun but there are some very interesting facts which are unknown to the masses. Given below
Way of Living | Book by Sant Rampal Ji
Mar 27, 2019The Book “Jeene Ki Raah (Way of Living)” is worthy of being kept in every home. By reading and following it, you will remain happy, both in this
Garima Gita Ki | गरिमा गीता की | Summary of Gita
Mar 13, 2019गरिमा गीता की गीता का दिव्य सारांश (A divine summary of Srimad Bhagavad Gita) इस पुस्तक में श्रीमद्भगवत गीता के सम्पूर्ण ज्ञान का यथार्थ प्रकाश किया
What do the Vedas say about Supreme God
Dec 13, 2018Unknown Facts about Supreme God from the Vedas (Ved) - Scriptures pertaining to Hinduism, in fact the whole Humankind There are four vedas namely Rig
Today Brother has Time | आज भाई को फुर्सत है - a Short Film
Oct 6, 2018"Today brother has time" is a short feature based upon the teachings of Supreme Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. It signifies the importance and the need for
What is Shradh | श्राद्ध क्या है
Sep 24, 2018Is doing Shradh (Worship of ancestors) the right way of worship? What does Srimad Bhagavad Gita say about performing shradh? Saint Rampal ji has
Who is God, What is he like & How to Identify in Holy Scriptures?
Aug 27, 2018The most basic question that comes to everyone's mind is “Who is God”? The answer to this enduring question is not available with contemporary sages,
Animal Sacrifice is Not the Order of Allah
Aug 26, 2018Sacrifice of an animal is not the order of God. Animal sacrifice is not mentioned in the Holy Quran. This practice is arbitrary and has been
Adhyatm Gyan Ka Gola | अध्यात्म ज्ञान का गोला
Aug 9, 2018अध्यात्म ज्ञान रूपी तोब का गोला कबीर और ज्ञान सब ज्ञानड़ी, कबीर ज्ञान सो ज्ञान। जैसे गोला तोब का, करता चले मैदान।। अर्थात् जैसा कि वेदों में प्रमाण है
Lord Shiva - Fact Sheet
Aug 2, 2018Lord Shiva is one of the three main Gods in the Hindu Trinity. He is known as the destroyer and his quality is "Tamguna". His wife is Goddes Parvati.
7 Myths About Saint Rampal Ji
Jul 31, 20181) Sant Rampal Ji skipped court hearings 43 times FACT - Sant Rampal was granted “Permanent Exemption from Appearance" by the court. He was being
God & Death are the two things to remember | Spiritual Leader Rampal Ji
Jun 13, 2018What is Death? Should One Fear Death? Should One Fear God People say, death is the ultimate end of life. There is a misconception that when someone
How a Curse by Rishi Durvasa caused the Carnage of Yadavas
Jun 12, 2018Even Shri Krishan could not avert the destruction of his "Yadav Clan" secondary to a curse by Rishi Durvasa. Rather Shri Krishan himself killed the
How Was the Universe Created | Video
Jun 10, 2018How was the universe created? Who created the Universe? This concise video is the key to understanding the mystery of how the whole of this universe
Where is the Eternal Abode "Satlok" | Video
Jun 2, 2018What is SATLOK or God's Eternal Abode ? Where Is God's Eternal Abode ? How can one reach Satlok? Spiritual Leader Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaj has given
Life History of Guru Nanak Dev Ji | Video
May 30, 2018Which God did Guru Nanak Dev Ji meet when he went to Sachkhand? Who took Guru Nanak Dev Ji to Sachkhand from river Bein? Who was the Guru of Guru
What is Spirituality | Video
May 29, 2018What is the true meaning of spirituality? How can one attain spiritual peace? The ultimate aim of human life is to attain emancipation / liberation.
What is the proof that Kabir Sahib is God? | Video
May 28, 2018What is the proof that Kabir (The Weaver Saint of Varanasi, India) is God? Where does God live? What is the name of Supreme God? All the holy
Who is Allah | Video
May 27, 2018Who Is ALLAH? | What is the name of Allah in QURAN? अल्लाह कौन है ? Watch the satsang by Spiritual Leader Sant Rampal Ji to find out the answers with
Who Is God | Video
May 25, 2018Who is God ? Where does He Live ? What is the Name of Supreme God ? Spiritual Leader Rampal Ji Maharaj has explained these with evidence from Holy
Complete Liberation is Possible after Taking Naam from Tatvadarshi Saints
May 24, 2018The purport of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 33 to 35 is that Oh Arjun! Go to the Tatvadarshi saints who have the complete knowledge and the solution
Actions & Sins cannot be Eliminated by the Way of Worship Mentioned in Vedas & Gita
May 22, 2018In Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 4 Verse 25 to 30, different types of acts of worship have been described. It has been said that some devotees are
Kabir Jayanti | 2018
May 13, 2018Date & Time: 28th June, 2018 Address: TBC, Rohtak, Haryana. Everyone (The Whole World) is cordially invited.
Without Worship there is no Respite
May 8, 2018Bin updesh achambh hai, kyon jivat hain praan | Bhakti bina kahan thaur hai, ye nar naahin paashaan || God Kabir is saying that – O innocent man! I
The Tale of Sage (Rishi) Chunak
Apr 26, 2018Evil Habits can not be Eradicated by the Way of Worship Mentioned in Vedas Once upon a time, a rishi (sage) named ‘Chunak’, according to the way of
Origin / History of Major Religions of the World
Apr 17, 2018Our Race is Living Being, Mankind is our religion | Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, there is no separate religion || When the knowledge of Shrimad
Can One Change Guru?
Apr 17, 2018Dharamdas was a disciple of Kabir Sahib. During conversation between God Kabir and Dharmdas, Dharamdas once asked a question. Quesion (of Dharmdas):-
Brahma, Vishnu, & Shiv (Trigun Maya) do not let a Living Being attain Moksha
Apr 8, 2018In holy Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 12 to 15, Brahm is stating that Arjun! Now I will impart that knowledge to you, knowing which, there would be
Brahm’s (Kaal’s) Advice to Arjun to Go in the Refuge of One Purna Brahm
Apr 8, 2018In Adhyay 18 Shlok 66, God (Kaal) is saying that you relinquishing all my religious practices in me, go in the refuge of one Purna Brahm. I will
Fake-Guru-Free India | World Initiative by Spiritual Leader Rampal Ji
Apr 1, 2018'Blind Faith' means following and worshipping any God or Deity without any thought or consideration. On top of that not accepting the true
A Full Guide to Immortal Satlok vs Mortal Heaven (Svarga)
Mar 10, 2018No one wants to become old. No one wants to die. Everyone wants to lead a healthy life without having any disease. Lead a peaceful and happy life
How was the Temple of Shri Jagan Nath built in Puri?
Jan 24, 2018In Orissa state, there was a king named Indradaman. He was exclusively devoted to God Shri Krishna Ji. One night Shri Krishna appeared in king’s
Sheikh Farid took initiation from God Kabir
Jan 24, 2018Shiekh Farid, also known as Baba Farid was a God loving soul in Islam religion who practiced extreme austerity in order to achieve God. That wish of
God Kabir Appears on Earth in Every Yuga
Jan 23, 2018God Kabir doesn't take birth from a Mother's womb. He travels from his "Satlok" (eternal place) and appears on this earth. He comes in all the four
Name of God is Kabir - Holy Bible
Jan 23, 2018Iyov 36:5 - Orthodox Jewish Bible God is Kabir, but despises no one. He is Kabir, and firm in his purpose. Read in full - Holy Bible
Allah's Name is Kabir - Quran Sharif
Jan 23, 2018Quran Sharif, Surat Furqani:. 25, Verse 52, 58-59 It is said in these verses that in reality, Kabir Allah is worthy of being worshipped (Ibaadaii
Way of Worship Opposed to Scriptures Leads to Hell
Jan 21, 2018In Gita Adhyay 16 Shlok 23, 24, it is stated that those who abandoning the ordinances of scriptures follow way of worship according to their
शरीर के कमलों की यथार्थ जानकारी
Jan 18, 2018कबीर सागर में अध्याय ‘‘कबीर बानी‘‘ पृष्ठ 111 पर शरीर के कमलों की यथार्थ जानकारी है जो इस प्रकार हैः- 1) प्रथम मूल कमल है, देव गणेश है। चार पंखुड़ी का
कर नैनों दीदार महलमें प्यारा है
Jan 16, 2018कर नैनों दीदार महलमें प्यारा है।।टेक।। काम क्रोध मद लोभ बिसारो, शील सँतोष क्षमा सत धारो। मद मांस मिथ्या तजि डारो, हो ज्ञान घोडै असवार, भरम से न्यारा
चार युगों का वर्णन
Jan 4, 2018चार युग हैं। - 1) सत्ययुग 2) त्रेतायुग 3) द्वापर युग 4) कलयुग। 1) सत्ययुग का वर्णन:- सत्ययुग की अवधि 17 लाख 28 हजार वर्ष है। मनुष्य की आयु प्रारम्भ
Narcotic-Free India Campaign by Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
Dec 25, 2017One of the cardinal teachings of Jagat Guru Rampal Ji is renunciation of intoxicants which some other gurus also profess. The biggest difference
क्या पाण्डव सदा स्वर्ग में ही रहेंगे?
Dec 23, 2017धर्मदास जी ने कबीर परमेश्वर जी के चरण पकड़ कर अति विनम्र होकर आधीन भाव से प्रश्न किया। प्रश्नः- हे बन्दी छोड़ कबीर परमेश्वर जी! क्या पाण्डव अब सदा
दास की परिभाषा
Dec 20, 2017एक समय सुल्तान एक संत के आश्रम में गया। वहाँ कुछ दिन संत जी के विशेष आग्रह से रूका । संत का नाम हुकम दास था। बारह शिष्य उनके साथ आश्रम में रहते थे।
राम सेतु का निर्माण कैसे हुआ
Dec 19, 2017नल तथा नील को शरण में लेना त्रोतायुग में स्वयंभु कविर्देव(कबीर परमेश्वर) रूपान्तर करके मुनिन्द्र ऋषि के नाम से आए हुए थे। एक दिन अनल अर्थात् नल तथा
सांसारिक चीं-चूं में ही भक्ति करनी पड़ेगी
Dec 18, 2017एक थानेदार घोड़ी पर सवार होकर अपने क्षेत्रा में किसी कार्यवश जा रहा था। ज्येष्ठ (श्रनदम) का महीना, दिन के एक बजे की गर्मी। हरियाणा प्रान्त। एक किसान
तम्बाकू से गधे-घोड़े भी घृणा करते हैं
Dec 18, 2017एक दिन संत गरीबदास जी (गाँव-छुड़ानी, जिला-झज्जर वाले) किसी कार्यवश घोड़े पर सवार होकर जींद जिले में किसी गाँव में जा रहे थे। मार्ग में गाँव मालखेड़ी
Rig Ved - God is in Form
Dec 18, 2017Rig Ved Mandal 1, Sukt 31, Mantra 17 परमात्मा साकार है और बह राजा के समान दर्शनीय है ! और उसका नाम कविर्देव है! वेदों में परमात्मा साकार है मनुष्य
भक्ति मार्ग पर यात्रा
Dec 16, 2017जब तक आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान नहीं, तब तक तो जीव माया के नशे में अपना उद्देश्य भूल चुका था और जैसा ऊपर बताया है कि शराबी नशे में ज्येष्ठ महीने की गर्मी में
केदारनाथ मंदिर भारत में तथा पशुपति मंदिर नेपाल में कैसे बना?
Dec 15, 2017(केदार का अर्थ दलदल है) महाभारत में कथा है कि पाँचों पाण्डव (युद्धिष्ठर, अर्जुन, भीम, नकुल व सहदेव) जीवन के अंतिम समय में हिमालय पर्वत पर तप कर रहे
गुरू बिन मोक्ष नही
Dec 14, 2017प्रश्न:- क्या गुरू के बिना भक्ति नहीं कर सकते? उत्तर:- भक्ति कर सकते हैं, परन्तु व्यर्थ प्रयत्न रहेगा। प्रश्न:- कारण बताऐं? उत्तर:- परमात्मा का विधान
अंध श्रद्धा भक्ति - खतरा-ए-जान | Andh Shradha Bhakti
Nov 16, 2017अंध श्रद्धा का अर्थ है बिना विचार-विवेक के किसी भी प्रभु में आस्था करके उसे प्राप्ति की तड़फ में पूजा में लीन हो जाना। फिर अपनी साधना से हटकर शास्त्रा
Astrophysics From Vedas
Oct 22, 2017Origin of Universe, formation of Stars, Planets & Galaxies from the Vedas The realm of astrophysics explores the origin of the universe by
Dowry-Free India Campaign by Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
Sep 29, 2017The greatest societal evil which has snatched peace and happiness from the lives of numerous girls and their parents is undoubtedly the self imposed
Free Download Jeene Ki Raah Book in PDF, The Way of Living
Jun 19, 2017Today, our world is going through such a huge turmoil given the widespread pandemic, mother nature in its most ferocious form, and acts of violence
There is No mention of Prophet Muhammad in Vedas
Jun 19, 2017Is Mohammad (Muhammad) mentioned in the Vedas? Zakir Naik claims that the Vedas talk about Prophet Muhammad. Zakir Naik is lying. FACT: There is no
Na Tasya Pratima Asti | न तस्य प्रतिमा अस्ति
Jun 19, 2017Response to Dr Zakir Naik by Sant Rampal Ji on Yajur Ved 32.3 - न तस्य प्रतिमा अस्ति - Na Tasya Pratima Asti. Zakir Naik uses this verse from Yajur
Bhagavad Purana - Kalki Avatar & Prophet Muhammad
Jun 19, 2017Zakir Naik has wrongly understood the Bhagavad Purana. He is wrongly portraying Prophet Mohammad as the Kalki Avatar where as the truth is that Kalki
Bhavishya Purana - Prophet Mohammad | Malecha मलेच्छ
Jun 19, 2017The Truth about Mohammad Malecha from Bhavishya Purana by Supreme Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. What is the meaning of Malecha? The
Is worship of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Durga, Ganesh forbidden by Satguru Rampal Ji?
May 16, 2017How to Worship to attain Moksh / Liberation There is a misconception amongst the masses that Jagat Guru Rampal Ji Maharaj prohibits the worship of
Can God forgive our Sinful Deeds
May 12, 2017Can God Dissolve Karma and Destroy Sins? The general consensus amongst saints and rishis is that God cannot forgive our sins. All of them believe
Why and How is consuming tobacco a hindrance in achieving God?
May 11, 2017Consumption of tobacco has been described as the most sinful act and the biggest hindrance in achieving God. Even offering tobacco to someone is
उत्तम (Uttam) & अनुत्तम (Anuttam)
Dec 17, 2016The straightforward meaning of अनुत्तम (Anuttam) is the "opposite of उत्तम (Uttam)". उत्तम (Uttam) means GOOD and अनुत्तम (Anuttam) means BAD. Those