God & Death are the two things to remember | Spiritual Leader Rampal Ji
Published on Jun 13, 2018

What is Death? Should One Fear Death? Should One Fear God
People say, death is the ultimate end of life. There is a misconception that when someone dies that soul rests in peace or heaven. But this is actually not true. There is life even after death. If a person dies without doing devotion of complete God then that soul is definitely destined to Hell. To save oneself from Hell, one should search for a True Saint. At this time, only Saint Rampal ji Maharaj is the true saint on Earth. Watch full video to know why people who don't fear death go to Hell.
FAQs about "God & Death are the two things to remember | Spiritual Leader Rampal Ji"
Q.1 1. What is the concept of death?
According to our Holy Scriptures, death is not the ultimate end of life, but rather a transition to an afterlife. Life continues beyond death, and the fate of the soul depends on one's devotion and the karma performed in previous lives.
Q.2 Why should one fear death?
Fearing death will help individuals to remember God and involved in virtuous deeds and stay away from sinful activities, this way an individual's future will be saved.
Q.3 Is there a misconception about the common belief in resting in peace or heaven after death?
Yes, the common belief in resting in peace or going to heaven after death is a misconception. According to our Holy scripture, the afterlife destination is not guaranteed to heaven unless one has devoted oneself to a specific deity by taking shelter in the true Guru of that deity.
Q.4 What is the role of devotion to a complete God in determining the fate of the soul after death?
Devotion to a complete God is crucial for securing a positive afterlife. Failing to engage in such devotion leads to the soul being destined for Hell and 84 lakhs body form.
Q.5 How can one safeguard oneself from Hell after death?
Searching for a True Saint, specifically mentioning Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj as the true saint on Earth. Following the teachings and guidance of such a saint is presented as a means of salvation from Hell.
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Anushka Shetty
Indeed, it's true that we should always keep God in our thoughts. However, fixating on death can diminish the joy of life. It's important to enjoy our lives instead of dwelling on thoughts of death.
Satlok Ashram
Dear reader, we appreciate your perspective on our article. The primary goal of human life is to attain complete salvation through the worship of the Almighty. Remembering death helps safeguard against bad karma and its negative consequences. Therefore, it is essential to remember both God and death. By remembering God and engaging in virtuous deeds by taking initiation from complete saint, life naturally becomes more joyous as God will protect from untimely death and in the end the death will not be painful. For deeper spiritual insights, we recommend exploring the spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and delving into the book Gyan Ganga, which is rooted in the Holy scriptures of all religions.