Evidence of Nature’s Creation in the Holy Rigveda

Creation of Nature in Holy RidVeda with Evidence

So far in the series of Vedas, we have known who the supreme God is, what His name, form, and qualities are. Now we will see how the Supreme God created the whole nature and all these universes? The hymns of creation of nature are scattered in Vedas and are compiled by Tatvadarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj based on the complete spiritual knowledge given by Supreme God Kabir Sahib. This is what the Holy Rigveda tells about the origin of the universe. 

Creation of Kshar Purush / Kaal / Brahm in the Holy Rigveda

Rigveda Mandala 10 Sukta 90 Mantra 5

Tasmaadviraatajaayat viraajo adhi PurushH 
Sa jaato atyarichyat pashchaadabhoomimatho purH (5)

Translation: (tasmaat') thereafter, from the power of word of Supreme God (viraat') Viraat i.e. Brahm who is also known as Kshar Purush and Kaal (ajaayat) originated (pashchaat') after this (viraajH) that  Viraat Purush i.e. Kaal God (adhi) greater (PurushH) God (bhoomim') Earth, regions of Kaal-Brahm and ParBrahm (atyarichyat) properly created (athH) then (purH) other smaller regions (sa) that Supreme God only (jaatH) created.

Translation: Thereafter, Viraat i.e. Brahm, who is also known as Kshar Purush/Kaal/Jyoti Niranjan, originated from the Supreme God’s word power. After this, the Supreme God, who is greater than Viraat Purush i.e. Kaal God, perfectly created the universes of Kaal-Brahm and Par Brahm and other smaller regions like earth in those universes. 

Meaning: - After the creation of the three heavenly places (Agam lok, Alakh lok, and Satlok), the all-powerful Supreme God gave rise to Viraat i.e Jyoti Niranjan (Kaal/Brahm). This same evidence is also in Bhagavad Gita(3:15) that Brahm originated from the Eternal God. Holy Atharvaveda Kand 4.1.3 also says that Brahm originated from Purna Brahm i.e Supreme God. That Supreme God created all the regions of earth and heavens and is the master of Brahm (Kaal).

Universe Creation of Akshar Purush/ParBrahm in the Holy Rigveda

Rigveda Mandala 10 Sukta 90 Mantra 2

Purush evedM sarvM yad bhootM yachch bhaavyam
Utaamrtatvasyeshaano yadannenaatirohti (2)

Translation: (Ev) similarly, who is somewhat (Purush) God, he is Akshar Purush i.e. ParBrahm (ch) and (idam') he (yat') who (bhootam') is already borne (yat') who (bhaavyam') will be born (sarvam') all (yat') by effort (annen) through food grain (atirohti) develops. Akshar Purush also (ut) doubtful (amrtatvasya) of salvation (ishaanH) is master; 

Translation: Similarly Akshar Purush i.e. Par Brahm is also God to some extent. Those who are already borne or who will be born in the future, all grow through food-grains earned through hard work. Salvation given by this Akshar Purush is also doubtful; which means that even Akshar Purush is somewhat God, but is not a giver of complete salvation.

Meaning: - In this Rig Veda Mantra is a description of ParBrahm (Akshar Purush) who is equipped with some qualities of God. But even by worshipping him, one cannot achieve complete salvation. Therefore, he is called a doubtful master. He is said to be like God because, like Kaal, he does not eat human souls after roasting them on Tapatshila. But in his universes too, living beings need to work hard to feed themselves. Their bodies grow only with food and they get paid according to their Karmas. The average life of humans in the universes of Par Brahm is longer than the humans of Brahm’s universes but death, rebirth, and suffering in the form of 84 lakh species is inevitable.

Supreme God (Param Akshar Brahm) is the Creator of All in Holy Rigveda 

Rigveda Mandala 10 Sukta 90 Mantra 3

Etavansya mahimaato jyaayaanshch PurushH 
Paadoasya vishwa bhootani tripaadasyaamrtM divi (3)

Translation: (Asya) this Akshar Purush has (etavan') only this much (mahima) power (ch) and (PurushH) that Param Akshar Brahm i.e. Supreme God (atH) than him (jyaayaan) is greater (vishwa) all (bhootani) Kshar Purush, Akshar Purush and all the living beings in their regions and in Satyalok (asya) of this Param Akshar Purush (paadH) are one foot i.e. are just a small part of Him (asya) thisGod’s (tri) three (divi) divine realms like Satyalok – Alakh lok – Agam lok (amrtam') eternal (paad') are the other foot.

Translation: This Akshar Purush(ParBrahm) has this much power. And Supreme God is greater than him too. Kshar Purush(Kaal), Akshar Purush, all the souls in Satyalok, and living beings in the lower universes are His one foot i.e. just a small part of Him. The three divine realms Satyalok – Alakh lok – Agam lok, are His other eternal foot i.e. whosoever have originated in any of the universes is a part of SatyaPurush i.e. Supreme God only.

Meaning: - Akshar Purush mentioned in mantra 2 above has only this much power. But the Supreme God, Kavir Dev is greater than him. All the universes are positioned on a fraction of a hair of His body. In this Mantra, only three eternal realms are mentioned because the fourth Anami lok dates back before all other creation. Bhagavad Gita(15:16&17) too, mentions these three Gods Kshar Purush, Akshar Purush and other than these two, Param Akshar Purush i.e. Supreme God.

Supreme God is the Creator of Innumerable Universes in the Holy Rigveda

Rigveda Mandala 10 Sukta 90 Mantra 4

Tripaadoordhv udaitPurushH paadoasyehaabhavtpunH 
Tato vishv vykraamatsaashnaanashne abhi (4)

Translation: (PurushH) this Eternal God (oordhvH) above (tri) three loks - like (paad) one foot i.e. the upper part (udait') appears i.e. is seated. (asya) this very Supreme God (paadH) one foot i.e. one part, in the form of the Universe, (punar') then (ih) here (abhavat') appears (tatH) therefore (saH) that Eternal God (ashanaanashne) even eater-Kaal i.e. Kshar Purush and non-eater ParBrahm i.e. Akshar Purush (abhi) above (vishva') everywhere (vyakraamat') is pervasive; 

Translation: The Eternal God(Param Akshar Brahm) is seated in the three divine realms-(Satyalok – Alakh lok – Agam lok)-like foot above i.e. in the upper part. His other foot, then appears in the lower universes i.e. the Supreme God is pervasive everywhere, even above the eater Kaal-brahm i.e. Kshar Purush and the non-eater ParBrahm i.e. Akshar Purush; 

Meaning: - Supreme God, who is the Creator of the entire Nature, is Himself present in three different forms in these three heavenly places (Satlok, Alakh lok, Agam lok) in the upper part of His creation. Later, the lower universes of Brahm and Par Brahm came into existence after separation from that divine place Satlok. But the power of the Supreme God is present over everyone, even above the eater Brahm i.e. Kaal (because Kaal-Brahm eats one-lakh human beings daily because of a curse on him) and the non-eater Par Brahm i.e. Akshar Purush (Par Brahm does not eat human beings, but the cycle of birth and death and karmic punishments, remain the same in his universes. It means that the Supreme God is the Master of the lineage and His supremacy is over all the universes and all the gods. Just like the range of a mobile tower, which is situated in one area, is extended in all directions. Likewise, Supreme God has extended His invisible power everywhere, by which He controls all the universes while sitting in one place.

Respected Garib Das Ji is giving its evidence: - (Amritvaani Raag Kalyan)

Teen charan Chintamani saheb, shesh badan par chhaaye |
Maata, pita, kulan n bandhu, na kinhe janani jaaye ||

Twenty-One Universes are Under the Control of Kaal in Holy Rigveda 

Rigveda Mandala 10 Sukta 90 Mantra 1

Sahasrsheersha PurushH sahasrakshH sahasrpaat
Sa bhumiM vishwatoM vritwatyatishthatdashangulam (1)

Translation: (PurushH) Viraat-form Kshar Purush (sahasrsheersha) who has thousand hands (sahasrakshH) who has thousand eyes (sahasrpaat') thousand feet (sa) that Kaal (bhumim') the twenty-one universes of the Earth (vishwatH) from all sides (dashangulam') with the ten fingers (vritwa) by encircling them (atyatishthat') is also situated above this.

Translation: The Viraat-form i.e. huge Kaal, who has a thousand hands, eyes and feet, that Kaal is encircling the twenty-one universes including Earth from all sides with his ten fingers i.e. fully controlling them. And he is also situated above all these universes. 

Meaning: - In this Mantra, there is a description of Virat – Kaal with thousand hands. He is encircling the twenty-one universes i.e. keeps all those who are under him in full control. In the Gita, chapters 10 and 11 too, there is a similar description of this Kaal-Brahm, when Arjuna says, oh Sahasrbaahu i.e one with a thousand arms, I wish to see you in your (Chaturbhuj) four-armed form.

Supreme God Liberates the Souls from the Bondage of Kaal in Holy Rigveda 

Rigveda Mandal 10 Sukta 90 Mantra 15

SaptaasyaasanparidhayastriH sapt samidhH krtaH 
Deva yadhyagyaM tanvaana abadhnanPurushM pashum (15)

Translation: (Sapt) seven sankh universes of ParBrahm and (trisapt) the twenty-one universes of Kaal/Brahm (samidhH) tortured in the fire of sinful deeds as a punishment (krtaH) which does (paridhayH) in the circular boundary (aasan') is present (yat') who (Purusham') of the Purna Parmatma (yagyam') offers religious services according to the ordinances i.e. worships (pashum') bound like a sacrificial animal in the web of their actions (deva) devout souls (tanvaanaH) from the web of the bondage of sinful actions created by Kaal (abadhnan') liberates. 

Translation: The seven sankh(700 Quadrillion) universes of ParBrahm and the twenty-one universes of Kaal/Brahm are in a circular boundary, in which souls are tortured as a punishment for their sinful deeds. But those devout souls who worship the Supreme God according to the ordinances, they are liberated from the bondage of their sinful actions, created by Kaal, in which they are trapped like a sacrificial animal.  Supreme God liberates those devout souls from the trap of Kaal, which means He is the liberator from the bondage i.e is Bandichhor.

Meaning: - The Supreme God tells the true way of worship to the living beings that are enslaved in the circular boundary of the seven shankh universes of Par Brahm and twenty-one universes of Brahm and are burning in the fire of their sinful actions. He makes them follow the correct way of worship and by breaking the trap of karma created by Kaal, liberates His devotee souls from the agony of tapatshila and the cycle of birth and death. That is why the Supreme God is also called Bandichhor, i.e. the liberator of the souls.
Its evidence also lies in Holy Yajurveda Adhyay 5, Mantra 32 - that Kaviranghaariasi: (Kavir') God Kabir (Asi) is (Ari) the enemy of (Angh) sins, which means that God Kabir is the destroyer of all sins. Bambhaariasi: (Bambhaari) the enemy of bondage i.e. the liberator, Bandichhor (Asi) is God Kabir.

Those Who Worship Supreme God Attains Satlok in Holy Rigveda

Rigveda Mandal 10 Sukta 90 Mantra 16

Yagyen yagyamayajant devaastaani dharmaani prthmaanyaasan 
Te ha naakaM mahimaanH sachant yatr poorve saadhyaH santi devaH (16)

Translation: Who (devaH) flawless devout souls (ayagyam') in place of the wrong religious practice (yagyen) based on the religious act of true worship (yajant) worship (taani) they (dharmaani) enriched with the religious power (prthmaani) are superior (aasan') are (te ha) they only in reality (mahimaanH) equipped with the power of worship (saadhyaH) successful devout souls (naakam') the all pleasures giving Supreme God (sachant) on the basis of bhakti i.e. the earnings of the worship, attain. They go there (yatr) where (poorve) of the earlier creation (devaH) sinless divine souls (santi) live. 

Translation: Those flawless devout souls, who give up the wrong way of worship, and worship according to the correct way told by God, they get enriched with the religious power, and become superior. They i.e. the successful devotees, in reality, equipped with the great power of bhakti(devotion), attain the complete happiness-giving Supreme God. On the basis of bhakti i.e. the earnings of the true bhakti, they go there where the sinless divine souls of the earlier creation live.

Meaning: - The devout souls who adopt the correct way of worship given by Supreme God, also become flawless i.e. pure because they give up every evil like consumption of meat and alcohol, bribery, corruption, etc. and become free from other vices too. By doing the scripture-based bhakti(devotion) those divine devout souls become rich with the earnings of bhakti and get free from the debt of Kaal. With the earnings of true worship, they attain the Almighty and go back to Satlok where the other divine souls of the first creation already live. 

This means that apart from those souls who are trapped in the 21 universes of Kaal and 700 quadrillion universes of Parbrahm, there are still infinite souls who never failed in their loyalty toward their master - Supreme God. Those souls live in Satlok since eternity. The evidence is also given in Gita, chapter 8 verse 8 -10 that a devotee who worships the Supreme God according to the directions of the scriptures, he with the power of true worship goes to that Supreme God i.e also attains Satlok.

Conclusion: The abovementioned Rigvedic mantras prove that:

  • There are three main Vedic GodsBrahm, ParBrahm and Purna Brahm i.e. Supreme God. They are also known as (1) Brahm /Kshar Purush, (2) ParBrahm / Akshar Purush / Akshar Brahm (3) Param Akshar Brahm – SatPurush – i.e. Supreme God is the greatest of all. 
  • Supreme God is the creator of all other Gods and innumerable universes. The Almighty Himself descends in the lower universes and plays the role of a tatvadarshi saint. By telling the true way of worship to the devout souls and making them free from the bondage of Kaal, He takes them back to His eternal abode - Satlok.

FAQs about Evidence of Nature’s Creation in the Holy Rigveda

Q.1 What does RigVeda say about creation?

Holy RigVeda Mandala 10 Sukta 90 Mantra 2-5 defines that Supreme God Kabir (Param Akshar Purush) created the entire universe and created Satan Kaal Brahm (Kshar Purush) and Akshar Purush by His word power.

Q.2 Who started creation according to the Vedas?

Supreme God Kabir who is mentioned in Holy RigVeda Mandal number 9 Sukt 1 Mantra 9, Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 17-18 as the Supreme Power is the sole creator of all the universe as none other than Him isn't capable of creating and running His creation.

Q. 3 Which Hindu God is believed to have created the universe?

As mentioned in Holy RigVeda Mandal number 9 Sukt 1 Mantra 9, Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 17-18 that Supreme God Kabir is the Supreme Power. Hence there is no question about the creator of any Hindu God other than God Kabir.

Q.4 Who is the first God in the world?

Supreme God Kabir is the first and foremost and the only God who has created and has been nurturing the entire universe on His own.

Q.5 Which God is the RigVeda all about?

RigVeda is about the manifestation of powerful Supreme God Kabir that He is invincible and He comes every now and then to meet His pious souls to impart the wealth of True Spiritual Knowledge.

Q.6 Is Krishna mentioned in RigVeda?

No, Vedas existed way before earth and Lord Vishnu came into existence. Vedas do not mention Krishna anywhere.

Q.7 Which God does not belong to RigVeda?

Every other God except Supreme God Kabir has not been mentioned in Holy RigVeda. It is because RigVeda reveals the supremacy of Supreme God Kabir only.

Q.8 Which is most mentioned on RigVeda?

Supreme God Kabir or Kavir Dev has been glorified all throughout the Vedas

Q.9 Which is the newest religion?

Humanity is the religion new to the newest and old to the oldest.

Q.10 When was the creation of Vedas?

Vedas were created by Almighty Kabir. The Supreme God Kabir gave them to Satan (Kaal Brahm) in return for his austerity.


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Nancy Rathore

I have heard that Traditionally, Brahma is the creator, from whom the universe and the four Vedas have emerged. How far is this true?

Satlok Ashram

Brahma, equipped with Rajoguna is the creator only in 21 universes of Brahm Kaal. Actually the creator of the entire universe is God Kabir. There are five Vedas and not four which were given by Almighty Kabir to Brahm Kaal who hid them in the ocean out of fear of God. Later during the Churning of the ocean four Vedas came out which were handed to Brahma Ji. Vedas did not emerge from Brahma Ji

Chetan Shah

The age of Earth is 4.54 billion years and that of the Universe is 13 billion years. How far is this correct?

Satlok Ashram

No one can tell the correct age of creation of earth or universes except God Kabir Himself since He is the creator. Rigveda Mandala 10 Sukta 90 Mantra 4 provides evidence of creation of universes.

Bindya Sharma

How was the world created in Rig Veda?

Satlok Ashram

Almighty God Kabir created the entire universe in six days and took rest on the seventh day. Rigveda Mandala 10 Sukta 90 Mantra 4 provides evidence.

Vani Upadhyay

Can issues like birth and death be resolved?

Satlok Ashram

Yes, the disease of birth and rebirth can be finished by doing the true devotion of Almighty Kabir. Its evidence is found in Rigveda Mandal 10 Sukta 90 Mantra 15 and at other places.


I visited your website and saw two new Gods mentioned known as Kshar Purush and Akshar Purush. How come they are God? I have never heard about such Gods

Satlok Ashram

Based on true spiritual knowledge as mentioned in holy scriptures Vedas and Shrimad Bhagvad Gita we come to that there are three Gods. Kshar Purush (owner of 21 universes), Akshar Purush (owner of 700 quadrillion universes) and Param Akshar Brahm, creator of entire universes and overall controller. The rest are deities like Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh who have limited powers. Rigveda Mandala 10 Sukta 90 Mantra 5 provides evidence of the creation of Kshar Purush and the same Mandal Mantra 2 provides evidence of the creation of Akshar Purush. You should continue browsing our website to know details. Also you can download books.