Shiv Puran - Birth of Brahma Vishnu & Shiv

Birth of Brahma, Vishnu & Shiv Ji in Shiv Puran

Since ages we have been following our rituals and worshipping like our ancestors used to do. Specifically in Hindu religion, Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are considered the Supreme God’s above all deities. But this is not what our Holy Scriptures certify. In Holy Shiva Purana evidence has been mentioned which proves that there is some other God SadaShiv (Kaal Brahm) who is above these three Gods (in reality, SadaShiv is also not the supreme power).

Let us read the shreds of evidences to know how Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh took birth and Who are their parents?

The following will be discussed

  • Origin of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh in Shiv Purana
  • Brahma’s version of creation of nature
  • The birth story of Vishnu
  • Brahma describes his own birth

Origin of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh in Shiv Purana

In Shiv Puran, Maharishi Ved Vyas recounts a crucial episode where Sage Narad asks his father Lord Brahma about the universe’s creator. Shri Brahma Ji explains how the universe was created based on his knowledge which is somewhat true and somewhat false.

Brahma’s version of Creation of Nature

Source: Shiv Puran (concise) published by Gita Press Gorakhpur (only in Hindi),

Editor: Hanuman Prasad Poddar

Adhyay 6 of Rudra Samhita, Pages: 119-120



Summary of Brahma’s description of the creation of Nature

Initially, only darkness prevailed devoid of stars, sun, constellations, and day and night. Only the revelation of ‘Sat’ existed from ‘Tat Sat Brahm’. After a certain time, ‘ParBrahm’ decided to create more souls.

The ‘invisible Parmaatma’ first manifested in his own form, giving rise to ‘Sadashiv’. Sadashiv, in turn, created another power from his own body, known as ‘Pradhan/ Prakriti/ Gunvati’, or ‘Buddhitatava janani’, also named ‘Ambika/ Sarveshwari/ Tridev Janani/ Nitya/ Moolkaaran. This feminine power possesses ‘eight arms’.

Brahma further describes the qualities of this ‘Tridev Janani’ as one adorned with several ornaments, possessing various magical skills, and wielding multiple weapons. She can also transform herself into multiple entities and disguises herself.

 ‘Sadashiv’ is also known as Parampurush/ Ishwar/ Shiv/ Shambhu/ Maheshwar.

Key points:

  • While reading Brahma’s portrayal, the reader can’t overlook the striking familiarity found in the description of this particular feminine entity. This Goddess with eight arms, adorned with weapons and jewels, and possessing multiple incarnations is undoubtedly Goddess Durga.
  • It’s crucial to note Brahma’s designation of her as ‘Tridev Janani,’ especially considering that Brahma himself is one of the Tridev. Durga is the mother of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh.

Shiv Puran has been scrutinised by countless saints throughout history for spiritual insights. However, several important disclosures about the origin of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh have gone unnoticed by them. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji is the only saint who has breathed life into these dormant-looking details. He has uniquely dissected and interpreted the holy texts, revealing its hidden meanings. Only a Tatvdarshi Sant can unravel the concealed wisdom within our scriptures, and Sant Rampal Ji has pinpointed the decisive words spoken by Brahma.

Before moving into the next summary and analysis, it’s imperative to grasp that in describing ‘Sadashiv,’ Brahma employs several words seemingly synonymous with this entity but are, in fact not. Sant Rampal Ji has demonstrated that the words ‘Sat,’ ‘ParBrahm/ Parampurush/ Ishwar/ Shiv/ Shambhu,’ and ‘Maheshwar’ refer to different deities within the spiritual hierarchy of the cosmos.

The Birth Story of Vishnu

Source: Shiv Puran (concise) published by Gita Press Gorakhpur (only in Hindi),

Editor: Hanuman Prasad Poddar

Adhyay 6 of Rudra Sahita, Page 121-122



Summary of Lord Vishnu’s Birth

According to Lord Brahma’s narration to his son Sage Narad, God Sadashiv always smears ash on his whole body. He is Kaal form Brahm’ (Kaal Brahm). This cosmic entity, along with his counterpart Shakti (Durga), has established a place named Shivlok, their celestial abode where they reside as a divine couple.

After a period, they decided to conceive an heir, entrusting him with the responsibility of governing the universe. Hence, Shiv and Shakti (Kaal Brahm and Goddess Durga) produced a child and named him Vishnu.

Key Points:

  • In the preceding conversation we can notice that Lord Vishnu took birth from Shiv and Shakti. Here, Shiv is not Lord Shiva as we all know. Ignorant interpreters portrayed Shiv  to be the creator whereas, in reality it is God SadaShiva who is also known as Kaal-form Brahm/ Jyoti Niranjan/ Satan/ Kshar Purush. Goddess Durga (Shakti) is his wife, and he is the father of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh/ Shiva.
  • Just as Devi Durga can assume any form similarly, Kaal Brahm transforms into Mahashiva while residing in Tamogun dominated realm meaning Shivlok with his wife Durga in her Shakti form as MahaParvati.
  • Additionally, he takes on the forms of MahaVishnu and MahaBrahma, while Durga transforms into MahaLakshmi and Maha Savitri, respectively, when producing their offspring Shankar, Vishnu, and Brahma.

Brahma Describes His Own Birth

Source: Shiv Puran (concise) published by Gita Press Gorakhpur (only in Hindi),

Editor: Hanuman Prasad Poddar

Adhyay 7 of Rudra Samhita, Page 123


Summary of Brahma’s Birth

According to Lord Brahma’s account, Sadashiv brought him into existence in a manner similar to Lord Vishnu. Surprisingly, he reveals that upon gaining consciousness as a child, he was unaware of his father’s identity, his role, and the creator behind his existence.

Key Points:

  • While the presented summary is straightforward, some may question if Shiv is the same entity as Sadashiv or commonly referred as Shankar.
  • The translator of Shiv Purana has attempted to divert readers by introducing numerous names similar to Kaal Brahm, aiming to sidestep explaining the birth of Shiv from Sadashiv. This echoes the misleading practices of self-proclaimed Sanskrit scholars who have distorted the meanings of straightforward words, deceiving innocent devotees.

Yet, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji, the genuine Tatvdarshi Sant, has adeptly rectified the distortions introduced by these Sanskrit scholars. In another remarkable insight, He draws attention to an accidental revelation made by the translator on page 130 of Chapter 9 in Rudra Samhita of Shiva Puran.


  • Sant Rampal Ji’s meticulous attention to detail shines through as He astutely identifies a truth inadvertently revealed by the translator. The passage mentions four deities: Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, and Shiv. The text explicitly states that while Brahma, Vishnu, and Rudra are deities characterised by three gunas (Rajagun, Satogun, Tamogun), the fourth deity, Shiv, transcends these gunas.

This distinction clearly delineates Kaal Brahm as the fourth entity alongside his three sons.


  • The entrenched belief in Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh as the three immortal gods and ultimate governing forces of the universe is deeply ingrained in our cultural fabric.
  • Consequently, acknowledging a truth about their existence can be a hard-hitting revelation for some devotees and an eye-opening awakening for others.

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji has left no stone unturned, and has presented one more compelling evidence from Shiv Purana to substantiate the profound origin of this Trimurti.

Source: Shiv Puran (concise) published by Gita Press Gorakhpur (available only in Hindi)

Vidveshwar Samhita, Pages 44-45



In a fascinating tale from these pages, Brahma and Vishnu find themselves locked in a fierce battle, each vying to prove the other as his son. The root cause of this fight was the desire for supremacy.

Sant Rampal Ji unfolds the narrative, revealing that as the conflict spiralled out of control, Kaal Brahm manifested in the form of Shiv. Brahma and Vishnu then inquired about the governing rules of the universe. Kaal Brahm explained to his sons that through intense penance, they had earned their responsibilities of genesis and preservation. Similarly, Rudra and Maheshwar had also acquired their roles through penance.

Key points:

  • In a riveting revelation, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji highlights a pivotal point—while Kaal Brahm takes the form of Shiv, he goes beyond Brahma and Vishnu, mentioning two more deities. The dialogue between Kaal and his sons distinctly separates him from Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh, establishing him as the origin of these three deities.
  • The translator’s inconsistency in interpreting the number of individuals in this holy text is a notable oversight, revealing flaws in the translation of facts.
  • Building on the compelling evidence put forth by Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji, a resounding truth emerges: Kaal Brahm and Durga are indeed the parents of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh.

Age of Tridev, Brahm & Par Brahm