Annual Events

Annual Events

The real Kabir Panth currently being run by great enlightened Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj aims for the welfare of the whole world. The golden thoughts of God Kabir are being showered through His nectar speeches aiming for the welfare of human society. He is doing a marvelous job by providing true spiritual knowledge of God Kabir and is awakening ignorant souls to do true devotion and attain emancipation. God Kabir descends in this mortal world time and again, 600 years ago God Kabir manifested in Kalyuga and after spending 120 years departed to His native abode Satlok. Keeping the tradition intact His thoughts were preached later by Great Saint Garibdas Ji Maharaj almost 250 years ago. To commemorate the manifestation, realization, and departure of both great personalities these days are celebrated every year whose information is shared in these write-ups.

Six occasions are being celebrated every year by the actual Kabir Panth presently running under the auspicious guidance of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

  1. Prakat Diwas - God Kabir Saheb: 22nd June 2024
  2. Satlok Gaman Diwas - God Kabir Saheb: 20 February 2024
  3. Bodh Diwas - Sant Garibdas Ji Maharaj: 20 March 2024
  4. Avtaran Diwas - Satguru Saint Rampal Das Ji Maharaj: 8 September 2024
  5. Bodh Diwas - Satguru Saint Rampal Das Ji Maharaj: 17 February 2024
  6. Divya Dharm Yagya Diwas (Divine Meritorius Meal Days): 16 November 2024

Kabir Prakat Diwas (Manifestation Day)

Almighty Kabir is self-existent. The Omnipotent, Omnipresent God Kabir does not take birth from a Mother’s womb. He appears in His whole body according to God’s law as Jinda Mahatma, and as an Infant on a Lotus flower intending to impart true spiritual knowledge to His beloved souls. He does this divine spectacle in every age. 600 years ago God Kavir Dev appeared on a Lotus flower in this mortal world in Lahartara Lake in Brahma Muhurta in Kaashi, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India on the full moon day of the Hindu month Jyeshta Shuddhi in 1398 A.D. (Vikrami Samvat 1455). Neeru-Neema were His foster parents who did His upbringing.

Kabir Sahib Prakat Diwas is observed every year to celebrate the Prakatya (appearance) of God Kabir.

Emancipation Day (Nirvan Diwas) of God Kabir

Kabir Sahib preached that salvation of the creature happens with true worship, by chanting true salvation mantras provided by the enlightened saint. The true worshipper may die anywhere; attains emancipation, the place does not matter. The ignorant religious Hindu leaders Pandits of that era spreaded the myth that whoever dies in Kaashi attains Heaven whereas those who die in Maghar become a donkey. To remove this myth God Kabir did divine spectacle of His departure in His whole body from Maghar to Satlok thereby setting the example that the predictions and concept of death preached by Pandits is merely a Myth. People should avoid believing these Quacks. The day when Almighty departed to Satlok in His whole body is celebrated as the Emancipation Day (Nirvan Diwas) every year. The details of the same have been described in the subsequent article.

Bodh Diwas Saint Garibdas Ji Maharaj- (Realization Day)

Sant Garibdas Ji Maharaj the founder of Garibdas Panth hails from Village Chudani, district Jhajjhar, Haryana who was blessed in the year 1727 in Falgun Suddhi Dwadashi when merciful Almighty Kabir met him in Nalaa fields, near Village Kablana to give real knowledge and to end the plight and adulteration of the scripture of Kabir Panth. God Kabir took pious soul to the amazing world Satlok; made him acquainted with his true spiritual knowledge and real place. Later this was scripted in the scripture that is known today as 'Sadgranth Sahib'. This evidence is also found in Pious scripture Kabir Sagar that the 12th cult is of Saint Garibdas Ji. He received name initiation from God Kabir Saheb.  Every year this auspicious day is celebrated as Bodh Diwas / Realization Day of Saint Garibdas Ji.

Avtar Diwas of Satguru Saint Rampal Das Ji Maharaj

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj was born on 8th September 1951 in Village Dhanana, District Sonipat, Haryana, India in a farmer’s family. Every year this historical day is celebrated as Avtaran Diwas.

Bodh Diwas of Satguru Saint Rampal Das Ji Maharaj (Realization Day)

Great enlightened Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj received name initiation from his revered Gurudev Swami Ramdevanad Ji on 17th February 1988 in Falgun month on Amavasya (no moon day). This auspicious day every year is celebrated as Bodh Diwas of Satguru Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

Divya Dharm Yagya Diwas (Divine Meritorious Meal Days)

Almighty Kabir the creator of entire universes descended 600 years ago in Kashi, Varanasi for the welfare of mankind. At that time He gave huge community meal and played divine spectacle by acquiring the form of Keshav Banjara. God Kabir had organized Akhand Bhandara (Huge Feast) for three Days 24*7 in which 18 lakh people, saints, sages, great sages all participated from various parts of India. They were fed with Mohan food like Laddu, Jalebi, Kheer, Puri, Halwa and many other delicious dishes which were prepared and brought from immortal abode Satlok over 9 lakh bullocks. After every meal God Kabir in Kesho form gave them each a Dohar (blanket) and a Mohar (gold coin). Also they were given Sukha Sidha (Ration) for their dear and near ones who could not come in Bhandara. 

To commemorate the same every year 'Divya Dharm Yagya Diwas (Divine Meritorious Meal Days)' is being organized at Satlok Ashrams around the country under the auspicious guidance of Tatvadarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji.

On all these auspicious occasions the spiritual discourses is delivered by Sant Rampal Ji with whose grace the ‘life and afterlife’ of the devotees get secure. A 5-7 day-long Path of Holy SadGranth Sahib of Sant Garibdas Ji is held to grace these occasions. Huge Bhandara (community meal) is organized where anyone can relish free food irrespective of caste, creed, or religion. Blood donation and body donation camps, dowry-free marriages, that is, Ramaini is organized. These occasions mark the awareness that is spread to remove religious hypocrisy and do social welfare.

Kabir Prakat Diwas

Kabir Saheb Ji Prakat Diwas

Avtar Diwas Satguru

Avtaran Diwas - Sant Rampal Ji

Bodh Diwas Sant Rampal Ji

Bodh Diwas - Sant Rampal Ji

Bodh Diwas Sant Garibdas

Bodh Diwas - Sant Garibdas Ji

Satlok Gaman Diwas - God Kabir

Emancipation Day (Nirvan Diwas) - God Kabir

Divya Dharm Yagya Diwas

Divya Dharm Yagya Diwas

Nirvana Diwas

Parmeshwar Kabir Nirvan Diwas