Important Information for those taking Naam - Rules for Disciples
Rules of Worship (of God Kabir) to Attain Salvation
What is the Purpose of Human Life The purpose of human life is to worship Supreme God Kabir and return back to our original abode, Satlok (Sachkhand, eternal place). Anyone and everyone wanting to worship Supreme God Kabir can take naam (initiation) from Spiritual Leader Jagat Guru Rampal Ji Maharaj irrespective of their cast, creed, colour, faith or religion as God created every human equal. Identity of a Complete Guru...
Identification of a True Saint or Satguru in the World
In this world, there is a flood of religious gurus. It is said ‘Neem Hakeem Khatra e Jaan’ (नीम हकीम खतरे जान), means a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Anyone who reads holy scriptures and becomes a bit knowledgeable... -
Initiation (Naam-Daan) by Sant Rampal Ji with Prerequisites
In this uncertain world where anything can happen to anyone at any time it becomes important for every individual to come under the shelter of the supreme power who protects us from all atrocities. In spirituality; true worship holds importance... -
Supreme God Can Forgive Sins - Yajurveda Chapter 8 Verse 13
There are many misconceptions spread by religious teachers that accumulated and destined sinful karmas cannot be destroyed. Only, the Supreme God possesses the important quality of destroying sinful karmas as per Yajurveda, Rigveda and other holy scriptures. The worship of... -
Age of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Brahm (Kaal) & Par Brahm Gods
Come let us reveal the hidden spiritual facts from the holy scriptures about the age of Gods in the Hindu Trimurti / Trinity / Triumvirate ie. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva whom; to date; the entire devotee community and the contemporary sages,... -
All About 3 Gunas (Qualities) Sattva, Rajas and Tamas
The curiosity amongst devotees in the entire world has always been to understand what are the three Gunas (Qualities)? What do Rajas, Sattva and Tamas mean? Also, what are the similarities between Rajas and Rajogun, Sattva and Satogun and Tamas... -
Who is the Husband of Mother Sheranwali (Durga / Ashtangi) - Durga Puran
Brahm (Kaal) is the Husband of Mother Durga (Ashtangi / Sheranwali). The picture on the right is from Shrimad Devi Bhagwad (Gitapress Gorakhpur), Third Skand, Page 114-115. Here Durga has been addressed as Bhawani and Kaal has been addressed as... -
Correct Way of True Worship of Worshipable Kabir God
The whole world is misled on the way of worship be it any religion. Amidst the followers of various religions; where every single devotee claims his/her way of worship to be correct; it becomes difficult to judge what is the... -
God is supposed to be Kind, not Unkind. Who is that Kind God?
Vedas describe God as the one who is the giver of Supreme Peace. He who can destroy all the sins and gives happiness is described as the True Supreme God. Yajur Ved Adhyay 5 Mantra 32 describes these qualities of... -
Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are in Birth and Death - Durga Puran
Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are in birth and death. Goddess Durga is the Mother of Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva The Three Gunas “The three gunas (qualities) are Rajgun - Brahma, Satgun - Vishnu, and Tamgun Shiv. They have taken birth... -
God can increase the life span of a human being and cure incurable diseases - Rigveda
God in Rig Ved says that if someone is nearing death and has an incurable illness then I (God) can cure that illness and even bring someone back from the clutches of death.
Sant Rampal Ji's Views on Dowry, Corruption etc.
Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaj is against any kind of corruption. He is strictly against the biggest social evils like consumption... -
Sant Rampal Ji's Teachings on Ideal Behaviour for Employers and Employees.
Do not Bless or Curse anyone - Sant Rampal Ji
When blessing or cursing anyone, we part away with our earnings of worship which as a result get depleted and...
About Us
Biography of Sant Garibdas Ji Maharaj with Salvation Story
This article provides a detailed description of Sant Garibdas Ji Maharaj related to his life and teachings which have been unknown to date, to the devotee society. Sant Garibdas Ji... -
Saint Rampal Ji - Biography
A Brief Introduction of Saint Rampal Ji Sahib’s Life History Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaj was born on 8 September 1951 in Village Dhanana, Tehsil Gohana, District Sonipat (Haryana) in a... -
Message to Trader of Devotion
Sant Rampal Ji's Message to 'Trader of Devotion' जीव हमारी जाती हइ, मानव धर्म हमारा। हिंदु मुस्लिम सिख ईसाई, धर्म नहीं कोई नयारा।। Our Race is Living being, Mankind is... -
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj - Message to Everyone
Introduction Since time immemorial, man is involved in the search of supreme peace, happiness and immortality. He has been trying according to his capability, but this desire of his is...
Contact Us
All Naam Diksha Centre Numbers in India / नाम दीक्षा केंद्र Click here Location: 1. Satlok Ashram Barwala, Hisar -...